We need your support for:

  1. Funding of the Education Institutions in the diocese.
  2. Support supervision/Inspection service to schools.
  3. Provision of Scholarship Opportunities to the needy students or learners.
  4. .Provision of reading material like textbooks to schools.
  5. Construction and renovation of schools’ infrastructure.
  6. Provision of other scholastic materials to schools and learners like exercise books,pens and playing materials.
  7. Promotion of menstrual hygiene for the Girl child in schools. This is also to prevent schools dropouts on the side of girls.
  8. Provision of non-formal education skills for self reliance to the big number of school drop outs with in the region.
  9. Development of ICT infrastructure within schools.
  10. Training of teachers to build their capacity.
  11. Capacity building and sensitisation programs for the parents.
  12. Capacity building and training programs for school management teams like the Board of Governors as well as the school management communities.


PayPal, Debit or Credit Card

Bank Transfer Details

Branch: Hoima
Account: Hoima Diocese Education Fund
Account No: 3201331257

Mobile Money

In the names of Patrick Mugisa

In the names of Patrick Mugisa