Currently, we oversee 251 Pre-Primary Schools (Childhood Development Centres), 360 Primary Schools, 55 Secondary Schools, and 10 Tertiary and Vocational Training Institutions.
Our commitment extends far beyond mere establishment; we take pride in ensuring quality education by actively participating in the development and implementation of diverse curricula. Regular supervision is conducted to maintain exceptional standards in partnership with other stakeholders.
Moreover, we see these schools as more than just educational institutions. They provide a unique opportunity for evangelization through the teaching of religion and catechism, fostering spiritual growth alongside academic excellence.
In light of the ever-changing social, political, and economic landscape – exemplified by the growing oil industry in the area – we actively engage with the government and other stakeholders to develop relevant curricula. Our goal is to equip the youth with essential skills for leading meaningful lives in this dynamic world.
Thank you for being a part of this journey towards transformative education and positive impact. Together, we can create a brighter future for the youth and the entire community.

With warm regards,
Rev.Fr. Patrick Mugisa
Education Secretary, Hoima Diocese